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Fitjamyri Clinic & Mini Show 2016

Clinic with Bergrún Ingólfsdóttir 2016

Wed, Sep 7 - Fri, Sep 9

One-on-one lessons with Bergrún Ingólfsdóttir, Holar Qualified Icelandic Horse Trainer from Iceland. More about Bergrún.

$90/day - includes lunch
(Accepting lesson requests Sept.20 - Oct.27. $75/lesson)

Fitjamyri Mini Show 2016

Sat, Sep 10

Judges Bergrún Ingólfsdóttir and Maria Badyk.

A one-day show held at Fitjamyri In Vernon, BC.

$75 entry fee (includes lunch) for CIHF Members
$100 entry fee for non members

Riders compete individually. The horses show the four gaits in the following order. They ride on the same rein and start the program on the middle of a short side by nodding at the judges.

  1. 1 round any speed tölt

  2. ½ round medium walk

  3. 1 round slow to medium speed trot

  4. 1 round slow to medium speed canter


Riders compete individually. Speaker will announce.

  1. Begin at the middle of the short side and ride one round in slow tölt on either rein. Return to walk at the middle of the short side and change rein.

  2. From the middle of the short side ride one round in slow tölt, lengthen stride distinctly on the long sides.

  3. From the middle of the short side ride one round in fast tölt.


Riders compete individually.

  1. Begin at the middle of the short side and ride one round in slow tölt on either rein. Return to walk and change rein.

  2. From the middle of the short side ride one round in any speed tölt


F1 Five gait
Test can be ridden on either rein. Rider has 4.5 rounds at his disposal show the following gaits in any order.


  1. slow to medium speed tolt

  2. slow to medium speed trot

  3. medium walk (1/2 round)

  4. slow to medium speed canter

  5. racing pace


Each gait may be shown only once, walk for half a round and the other gaits for one round. The racing pace is shown on the long sides only


Pair Class
In pairs of two the riders ride in the arena. They are being judged on how synchronic the riders and horses are in their performance. Gaits to be presented will be walk, tolt and trot and will be announced by the speaker. Pair members can dress up as a theme and will be judged on effort.


Cone Race
Two horses at the start at a time. After an acoustic and visible signal given by the starter (who must be a judge), the horses starts in tolt or trot one on the left hand one on the right hand 15 sec penalty for missed cones Fastest time wins Each rider gets 2 races.


Riders compete individually

  1. 1/2 round medium speed walk.

  2. 1 round medium speed trot. Return to walk.

  3. 1 round slow to medium speed tölt.


Tölt Race
Only one horse at the start at a time. The starter will give the start signal. The rider will complete 1 ½ rounds around the arena as fast as possible for him/her. The gait has to be tölt. The time to complete will be taken. Each rider gets two races and the fastest rider wins.


Dressage Mini Test *new*
Dressage AL4


  1. A Enter in walk down the centerline, X Halt, salute, Walk

  2. C Track right, M Tölt/trot

  3. A Circle (20 m)

  4. K Walk, E Small circle, 10 m, change direction

  5. A Halt, stand still for 3 seconds, Tölt/trot

  6. C Circle (20 m)

  7. E Walk

  8. K Small circle, 10 m, change direction

  9. H Tölt/trot, M - F Shallow loop, F Walk

  10. A Down the centerline, X Halt, salute, ride out in walk with long reins


Fitjamyri Icelandic Horse Farm
442 Six Mile Creek Road, Vernon, BC Canada
Contact us. Arnold Faber 250-309-0504

Fitjamyri Icelandic Horses

442 Six Mile Creek Rd

Vernon, BC, V1H 2H1, Canada


+1 (250) 309-0504

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